Caravan Roadworthy & Gas Certificates
Mobile Caravan Inspections
Caravan HVRAS Certificate

Phone Ian 0400 023 330
HVRAS stands for Heavy Vehicle Registration and Assessment Scheme
HVRAS is the measuring, identifier check and weights of a Caravan/Trailer
before it is registered in the state of Queensland.
When do I need a HVRAS for a trailer?
A HVRAS is required for all trailers over 750kgs ATM (Aggregate Trailer Mass) that are applying for a New registration in Queensland.
(this can be found on the compliance plate of the trailer usually located at the front of the draw bar or in the front boot of a Caravan) If registered in another state but are transferring to Queensland it’s still treated as a new registration and requires a HVRAS.
How do I get a HVRAS?
There is no need to hook up trailers or caravans and battle the traffic and parking for a visit to Queensland Transport, when we can provide the service “We come to you” This also saves the hassle of organising permits and insurances for you to travel to Queensland Transport
You only need to take our paperwork into Queensland Transport and the vehicle can remain at home. The plates are issued by Queensland Transport and can be affixed them on your return.
We come to you. This can save you time as our Approved Examiners can complete all 3 Certificate HVRAS, Safety Certificate and Gas Safety Certificates at the same time

The HVRAS check involves checking of the following:
Dimensional Requirements
Approved load axle system guidelines
Safe Tyre limits
Display of correct compliance and modification plates
Chassis number and TARE weight verifications

These inspections are carried out of on the following types,
- Caravans
- Camper trailers
- Trailers
- Boat Trailers
- Horse Float
Any Trailer over 750kgs ATM that is not currently registered in Queensland requires a HVRAS inspection to be able to register the Caravan/Trailer, This is a separate inspection to a Safety (Roadworthy) RWC Certificate
Caravan / Safety RWC and Gas Certificates
Caravan / Camper Trailer RWC and Gas Certificate,
Caravan Safety / Roadworthy Certificate, Roadworthy & Gas Inspections or Mobile Caravan Service
To Book Please Phone Ian 0400 023 330